olaaaaaa, okay? good spent a whole week and no posts is because after nine closed galere D: I know this is sad but several problems were happening, so we had several disagreements among ourselves, and that there just is not right and gave most pa D: yes I was particularly sad WELL D: but i just got my thank EVERYONE who came here to read our posts and missed the time by seven people VERY happy with each visit her, really. I am very grateful, because at that time that the blog took everything was beautiful, the posts were great, and I swear at me, no misunderstanding will erase all the good that has been created between us (: then real truth EVEN BRIGADE VOCES ALL THAT LIAM, THEY DID FOR ME AT LEAST ONE PERSON HAPPY MEGA MEANWHILE TOOK and I'll take that to experience life , but that does not mean that others will not come, we are there UHDSIHUDASIHADS kiss and thanks again, who knows gnte not reopen it in the future? hm
Friday, March 26, 2010
Cubefield Scandinavian
olaaaaaa, okay? good spent a whole week and no posts is because after nine closed galere D: I know this is sad but several problems were happening, so we had several disagreements among ourselves, and that there just is not right and gave most pa D: yes I was particularly sad WELL D: but i just got my thank EVERYONE who came here to read our posts and missed the time by seven people VERY happy with each visit her, really. I am very grateful, because at that time that the blog took everything was beautiful, the posts were great, and I swear at me, no misunderstanding will erase all the good that has been created between us (: then real truth EVEN BRIGADE VOCES ALL THAT LIAM, THEY DID FOR ME AT LEAST ONE PERSON HAPPY MEGA MEANWHILE TOOK and I'll take that to experience life , but that does not mean that others will not come, we are there UHDSIHUDASIHADS kiss and thanks again, who knows gnte not reopen it in the future? hm
Friday, March 19, 2010
Salomon - Earpads Sound System
Olaq loves: B @ beeshocks here: B haha \u200b\u200b
Friday, mt crazy eh? this week was tense for me D: and to you guys? HUIASHAUI-n
finally the beast here is not explained why on Monday posted a song, so I'll quickly explain: yu came out of the blog: it's everyone already knows this, hence the @ negro_boy had the idea to all someone to go in the second week and post something this week, as I am anxious mtmt decided to be the first, and posted the: AUISHIAHU dai Seila, it was even more D: will always be a surprise who will post it haha: B
and now .. The Tchana the post today I'm talking about:
FRIENDSHIP D: is chosen to speak of true friendship and pa
Everyone has had disappointments in friendship D: I've had several, and who had not yet, will have # dik
worst of all is that these mtmtmt friends disappoint us, not learn and keep doing the same with the others know?
it hurts a lot, and well, in the end it goes back to who does, because I believe in karma mtmtmt D: and these things, what you do, turn, and type not do unto others what you they do not want you, why I am polite to everyone: B haha
finally, there are many friendships that are fleeting, and others that are for life. For me, the time you know someone who is indifferent, we know mtmt ha Seila, over 5 years and not have the intensity of friendships that I made last year: B
know, friendship is a strange business mtmtmt, which is confusing no love D: friendship without love is not nothing D:
around us that most people have are false and self-serving, usually by someone you know who they want to know, or something, or do you be popular or be smart, or being beautiful, no matter where they pay intereisseiros has friends and then show who really are.

then, if you think that your girlfriend / friend seems more interested in your friends, your things, your beauty, popularity, intelligence, and that this is mega fake with you: B # diquinha : drop it while not yet the time to get hurt D: pq qd u least expect it'll stab you in the back D:
is buddy, life is not easy? ta thinking that everything is soft like jelly? HUISHUAIHSI atoron minute phrases such strange HASIAHI
finally, is it for today bjbj @ beeshocks
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tamil Marriage Invitation Kavithai Type
OLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, PLAYERS AND BEAUTIFUL READERS OF MY HEART, MY GOD THAT MISSING THAT I FEEL TO COME HERE SIT IN CHAIR IN FRONT OF THIS SCREEN BEAUTIFUL NEW POST WRITTEN *--* OOWN finally forgive me for two weeks without my posts D: (explanation in the post last Friday, bjs) CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARA NY WAS SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL PEEEEEEEEERFEITO WITHOUT MORE . so to celebrate I went there and unfortunately turned D: my post could not be about anything other than NY (: will be a post written what I felt kind tals and finally: x

Benign Tumour In Thumb
oooooooooooooooooooooi galere *-* good, today is Wednesday by the way, very annoying, because it is half of the week. So everybody's way out and just get kind of into the weekend D:
then, speaking of boring, today my day was good # FAIL considering aspects thousand. So very beautiful post and killer-of-boredom today with photos will FAIL *---------*
note: not bind to the poverty of post today, I felt happy to use my photos and order, ok? uu
(everyone will park the car, so that heat from the devil decides to refresh it in the pond, because then at least when you get back, the car will not you cook hot tãaaaaaaaaao)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sale Of Human Organs Pros
Today is Tuesday : = C, Tuesday is very tense, nothing happens, then I most CHEEEGUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI eee, nothing will happen : (uhauhsasuhasahuash maisssss thinks *-* QUARTAA Tomorrow, is (at least it is not the second;) UHAUHSAUHA Deever SOMETHING HAPPEN SEN D:? ta BOOOM then I came to post about shuhs the pirates (really wanted to talk about the wooden leg *-*, more is kinda boring and I already sleep with: /) then go to their asuhsauhsa PRODUCTS sauhsauhsauhsahu thugs, as they can not copy the name of the original then, the TIP is to write the closest thing possible, which ends up making the MARA ASUHASUHAHU or the words of the painter, odd :

Monday, March 15, 2010
Tingling Around Waist Back
hello hello: hello loves B @ beeshocks invading her second O:
mtmtmt I have songs this week, but the most ta me scoring type, which since yesterday not get out of my head is your biggest fan - nevershoutnever
who le now discovered the whim of the pretty boy drew and found NSN, but Seila, since it will become popular song, will not stop putting up so
I recommend them to everyone that likes music knows? through indie, calm down more, it is not those heavy rocks and pa: B
Seila, for those who want a new band to get to know the tip of @ beeshocks is NSN: B music from my week # fikdik
bjbj @ beeshocks
I am running out of word, to say to you, wondering why I'm, wasting my time, thinking back and wondering why, I'm such a fool for loving you (8
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Hystorectomy And Hemrroids
Friday, March 12, 2010
Ni-mh 1.2v Battery Charger Schematic
hello loves: B @ beeshocks here this The sixth: finally, the animal poppet asked me to put it here the explanation for the lack of posts "oiii our sincere I am dying of longing to be here D: good, ask to put everything here bibs have to say porq q These last two weeks was very difficult. my first post of NY did not work because the hotel had no internet and was VERY expensive to buy and type that was VERY sad really, I was pretty good and sad, but finally arrived in sao paulo Tuesday eq Uinta was to be there my lovely post on N Y but I know not but once I popped, but I was porq Tuesday I was sick for the fourth type VERY ai zuo my week, and fifth I went to sleep kind of late because the 6 tava dying D: finally, my sincere apologies and I promise that the fifth type SAME INTEREST qe has not let you post again, I love you, love after nine s2
finally, leaving aside the excuses, we will post to my lovely O: haha \u200b\u200bI'll talk to oscar Tchan, I know it was in odmingo, but I needed clothes then comment .. HAHSIAUH the best so here goes:
in that dress t ipo different, it fell very well, brother and combined with her too D: and she left it over her face with her bracelets. TU TO DO WITH THE OSCAR she rocked so

Another mtmtmt who sent well in the red carpet was penelope cruz D: my god, her dress draped wine, it was kind mtmtmtmt beautiful, Seiler, was chic and pa. I like D: and if I tiv this one that I would use hm: B
Another that was razed Gabourey Sibide , hahaha, she wore a dress that she appreciated my like, it's hard to find dress mtmtmt people to know more well-endowed? and she had a pretty boy mtmtmt: B And she deserves WON AN OSCAR haha \u200b\u200b
Mariska Hargitay tbm razed in black look O: UHIAHS UIHAIU seriously, I loved that dress basic, is chic and beautiful hm: B and that it colarzinho tbm hm D: no more hm
Charlize Theron mtmtmtmt erred when picking a dress with flowers chest D: HUIAHIUAHSH swear fic or marked D and strange: s in comments D:
another that arras or in the worst sense was Diane Kruger my god, that dress is this D:? this part of ruffles in the middle was terrible D:
little fancy dress Zoe Saldana reminds me I do not know what, but strange mtmtmt D: seriously, what is this long oscar to go to D:? 've wondered if she wins something and Tchana and under it there D: my dad
Jennifer Lopez rocked with her alien ass O: My god, dressed up to look into that other pictures is not so ugly, but in J it was horrible mmtmtmt D:
Hilary Swank sexy vulgar went to D: long dresses with necklines are lawful provided that it is not stuck up and down, not has a neckline to her navel and Seila, and it was not even a little O: Good had other worse, Mariah Carey tava veeery that blue dress with a face: my god, that dress took my breath D: And others that I will not remember the name, and had some other good dresses like Cameron Diaz that rocked the gown, the kristen draped in navy blue the demi with golden tube, and if the dress miley cyrus not be long would be good: it is finally B my loves here next Friday to besos @ beeshocks
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Spiderman Beach Towel
Booom, today is a boring and sleepy Wednesday D: half of the week and now everybody's cansadinho s2
finally, here goes: