Thursday, February 25, 2010

Which Is Better Sony G Lens Or Carl Zeiss Lens

come here often? : 9

oii loves beautiful and smiling: B plus a fifth uhul *--* CAAAAAAAAAAAARA SATURDAY I go there MAAASTER ANXIETY: The fifth okei qe will therefore come from a post outside binds trutinha level here, strain (: so let's focus on the subject today is q:

tc h an an an am ..

catadas rotten EEEEEE lack of creativity D: AAAAAAA (I am without creativity and time packing my suitcase and pa, deduct D:)

brother is the worst thing in the world to be walking on the street there's NOTHING you hear that shit then HASDUIHSADADS or a horn - 'I say take the c * (: UIHASDUHISD has MANY :

-cream you have in your belly? because you're a dream-his father is ice cream? because I wanted to give a lick-Do you like chocolate? So I'll give you my feeling and the nonstop-Hey girl, you have a map? because I got lost in the glow of your eyes. "Your father is a lawyer? Not because it? Because he did right-Ta waiting for the bus? Not because it? Why do you point-ta His parents are artezões? why not? because you're a work of art. "I had a coconut tree in the middle of the hill, coconut fell, roll or not roll? (Pras fat: Rola, then throws it and I'll push) .... -I bet you a kiss m and a stump. -Come on girl spends her finger, lick and says: Wow if it's hot here imagine the rest! Enough, in the person of two steps back and begins to sing: "I am two steps from heaven"-his father is a pirate? oh because you are a treasure-fall hi my name is ... fall in love with you "You is not butter but is a Yummy ... -What beautiful legs ... what time they open? Excuse me, the zipper of his pants open. - No it is not. - Ok, let's solve this problem. "Let's take a ride to three? I love you and. -All those curves and me with no brakes. -If you were a man I would turn gay! "You're a transvestite? -No ... -Prove it! "That outfit would look great in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor tomorrow morning. -Nice dress, can I talk you out of it? Do you like broccoli? -No ... -Nice, French Fries! "You've done a singing lesson? - No. - Then let us go there in the corner I give you a lesson. -Is it hot in here or is it just you? -Waiter clears the chips that the file already reached an astronaut pants do you use? why not? cuz your ass is out of this world

outs and has beautiful qe can give-*--*

Sorry, we do not know it from somewhere else? of course! and that's why I'm not going there anymore
-ta girl sucking a lollipop and the boy says: oh how I wanted to be that lollipop! the girl says, wanted to be a ball with a stick shoved in the tail?
-It: If beauty were a crime you'd get life in prison She: If ugliness was a crime you'd get the death penalty
-Him: Babe, you're beautiful too, just have a problem, your mouth is far from minha.Ela: question hygiene (haha, this is the most common ...)
-It: What's the fastest way to get to your heart? She: plastic surgery, some three years of working out, and a brainwashing
-He: I did not believe amamor at the first sight I saw changed my kuando idéia.Ela: What a coincidence, I do not believe in ghosts.
-He: I want to give myself completely to you! She: Sorry, no I usually accept alms.
-It: If I could see you naked I'd die felizEla: if I could see you naked I'd die laughing
-He: You are looking for good company, does it: I am, but with you around will be harder to find.
-him-the kitten together ta? She: I was until you arrive and scare everyone in the ena-
He Penalty: chicken, chicken soup, if you want to kiss me chuckling! She: cock's beak, wing hawk if you do not shut up mouth takes a slap-
He HM princess, you do not want to give me a kiss? She: to? you to become a prince? toad.

IUHASDUIHSAUHDAUHS tense this post, finally q is the fifth I'll be back with a different post ALL THERE (or not) until the fifth beeijo wish me bon voyage (yn) @ s2 oiany


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