Thursday, April 28, 2011
How To Apply For Reconsideration In Ust
Every day we help people who own rabbits, we took several questions and do our best to see a smile on her face a "daddy" or "mama" of a mini rabbit. This unfortunately is due to irresponsible breeders who seek only to sales and profit, and do not plan to assist the buyer in every way. A phrase I always hear that makes me happy is:
"- If I had heard of you before, surely would have bought my baby there! The breeder who bought or answer my emails!"
Today this is one of the biggest and best reasons to follow straight ahead with the creation! That's gratitude and satisfaction that makes us see the result of our work. Anyway, the real reason of this post is to seek well where to buy a bunny to not have future problems, today I and many good breeders are here to try to fix the mistake of others, but you never know tomorrow. So the hint is:
"Buy from responsible breeders, and be sure that they will be helping you not only before but after the sale!"
Monday, April 25, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Why Wont My Report Card Run For Pinnacle

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Pernodiavainontas in internet passed by the blog Mr Mastorakis (do often), was surprised when I saw I was the "price" to deal with me. He certainly for the "theft" of texts so as eithiste followed and degrading characterizations. I also saw the opportunity and my comments to this Post in which I had to go almost since
Someone Anonymous ... that Mr. Mastorakis wrote:
to borrow the text, simultaneously if source is mentioned and signature, is lawful and common. To steal shamelessly copy + paste even when the text is personal (as Nikos Mastorakis by collecting Greek Pop ) are despicable and reprehensible. I hope by the negligence rather than intention ownership cheap forex text.
same time in his Blog indicate
Note: This report contains as "authentic" another author a few blogs (supposedly historical clopy + paste ) as the http : / / psychspaniolos . blogspot . com / 2008/09 / forminx - singles . html . Here even the personal references / stories have not been signed. Poor blogkopeiratiki mentality.
So before you even answer the whether it was negligence or intent cheap answered himself. Well I did not say.
to answer and I then subsequently as the perpetrator.
First upload those albums, Player and other music content, there are pirates of horns, as I say, well. For decades prefer not to have pocket money to go for a walk, but dianooumoun I can not buy a vinyl because I was the sucker. As you know so well record companies but they drank the blood of all these years. Quality disc types to throw away ( Forever Changes , the banana Velvet and many others) that great expense like assholes for years. Similarly today, there are children in this situation as I then want to buy but can. So the pirates took the job cuckold as I upload them to our library as we noticed quite old.
As You will also notice from the entire phase I have to make the franc as thousands of others. I make my hobby, the gag me and ultimately I and many others to get "revenge" our (so to speak) for the robbery that made us so many years by companies. I am not so bad but very bad blogkopeiratiki mentality. But if I understand there's good when you mention the source of such Mastorakis.
Go below.
Who told you to claim authorship of the texts I've put in here, or that interest me to claim something like that; On the ride to your Blog saw anything looking publicity; But he stole your intellectual property and did not mention the source; It has always been (before 3 years) the same text unsigned as now. And why would I got from your shop as circulated and placed yet unsigned. Why should I have to know the author of; Forminx only mean Mastorakis; And the English text from where you stole; Find easy it is.
For example, the passage is here http : / / www . tar . gr / content / content / print . php ? id = 3013
says Agrafiotis Journal; what I'm known by it; Why do not rammed into it;
This there are
what it is;
What exists here http : / / hu - hu . facebook . com / pages / Forminx - Fan - Page / 140297989362607? v = info nowhere mentions Mastorakis; Who made this in fatsovivlio and when; I do not see saying Mastorakis.
I missed Nick advertising or contest One of your authority and you historicity; A blog of 10 visits now vegetate for various reasons that you feel threatened and want specific reference; Scared that I stole the paternity not know that Eta own; I think not. I do not believe because you are smart man. Something Another rather mattered today also found that by mistake and I do not want to say and not what I want to believe. We came to want to shut us down foreign companies still want to Konomi from dead and reached out for yourself at the same point; Too bad because I had a superior man. But you got damaged by the years, unable to discern where in danger, what and when.
Even personal references do not all have signed. And you what a chopper they have signed or not; And they saw the stolen anywhere; Do you see anywhere in the name Blog except Psychspaniolos ? What name do you want do not steal my fortunes; Nick D Mercy.
Finally, this "alleged historical clopy + paste » was all the money. Probably not noticed the kind of music coming here.
Honestly sad.
Friday, April 1, 2011
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