Look: at the very moment I was born on the night of August 30, 1957, who was presenting a program on TV Record? She herself, Inezita Barroso ... I found this magazine in São Paulo On TV, as shown alongside.
would be ideal if the received TV Record divine inspiration and transmit the next awards ceremony of APCA ... I and my fellow critics of popular music in this association ( Jose Norberto Flesch and Ines Correia Fernandes ) Inezita honored with an award for his work on behalf of folklore and popular culture in Brazil. Glad you can see Inezita completing 30 years in presenting Viola, Minha Viola ("Wow, I like the program!"), The divine reality TV Cultura. Birthday boy
the end of February, Inezita ganahr just another beautiful gift - which all fans of Brazilian music with MPB can and should enjoy capitals: the The book Girl Inezita Barroso, the arret researcher and writer Angelo Assisi, published by Editora Cortez and will be released on March 3 at the Cortez Library (Bartira Street, 317, street of the good old Cardoso de Almeida, here in Sao Paulo) at 19h. Below is a sneak peek of the book: "[...] While
cousins \u200b\u200bplayed with Little Ox and horses actually Zitinha with her seven-year-old, ran like a crazy to hear pedestrians sing a lot of the fashions sound of guitars. Sometimes she wept with emotion. But in vain she asked, even begged, who taught him to play anything, any music, but they said so compelling that they could not do this. The reason? Play guitar, they said, was no joke, nor a girl. And not a woman. Still, Zitinha not budge and kept listening for hours on the songs they sang and played. Listening to them play, I could ... "
And it's worth making the bed on the balcony of Assisi blogger: http://assisangelo.blogspot.com/
(additional Curiosity: note on the magazine next to the words one of the first programs of Brazilian rock, Rock And Roll , hosted by Geraldo Blota, also a composer, who in the 1960s not only present the highly successful "Ói Nóis Here Tra Veis, but also a Roquinho," Come, Love, in partnership with Adoniran Barbosa - only incursion of rock bard's Bixiga news that I have.)