Friday, January 7, 2011

How To Make Conveyor Belt On Solidworks


Did not take the news of closing the shop now in Rio Modern Sound late January (although, as I understand it, it will reopen / continue a little different, but that's another post), yesterday I learned of another: the closing of Lomuto House in December.

The House was already Lomuto tallow paulistano oldest still active when I went back to Sampa in 1978, and has always been a reference to any music before the eruption of rock and roll - but I've friends there and bought a lot of good rock the even better prices. In addition, the House Lomuto helped me to build fine collections of 78 rpm records by artists like the Hell's Angels and the Four Aces & A Joker (and there kept buying CDs and books by the end of 2010), not to mention the consultations and collections of rare recordings to my Encyclopedia of Country Music and my books on Adoniran Chiquinha Barbosa and Gonzaga.

Since the 1970 installed at various points in the center of Sampa (Yard of the College, Cathedral Square, Quintino Bocaiuva street), the House Lomuto, for those unaware, is named in homage to the Argentine maestro Francisco indirect Lomuto ( 1893/1950 - by the way, a finding typical blogger researcher, the shop closed at the exact month of the fiftieth anniversary of his death): I say "indirectly" by Lomuto be the nickname of the former owner of the store, the late Joseph Cordillera. His successor, Robert Gambardella, managed Lomuto keep the House since 1980. Upon learning of the closing of the store, I spoke with him yesterday, that summed it up: "Things have an end ..." Well, some things remain, and who knows me and / or someone to write a book about the House Lomuto; only I have more than 30 years the subject ...


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