Sunday, February 28, 2010

Endometriosis And Ulcerative Colitis

Dictionary Dream. # FAIL

Hello people, came as a beautiful Sunday and @ imnotadoll returned on Sunday to cheer you! My beautiful friend
@ SocialLie asked to post about dreams that take place, however I thought was cool talking of dreams in general.

Our life and our history is built in the days when we are awake and on nights when we sleep and dream. The dream is a creative manifestation of the unconscious mind, conscious and transcends : a mere five daytime sentido.A psyche, conscious and nocturnal psyche, unconscious, though different, complement each other for all we are. In a dream we have established a communication with the night side, generally unknown, but not less alive and well. So dreams can, symbolically and in language itself, reveal your personality issues that need work.

Psychoanalysts say queo dream is a means by which the unconscious attempts to alert the conscience for what she does not know or will not accept, and try by clearing, balancing the psyche, the totality of psychic phenomena. Dreams bring to light the complex and suggest alternatives to consciousness, whose center is the ego, do what the person is potentially. That is, the dreams are warnings.

From the most ancient times, men seek to understand the messages or meanings of these phenomena that are intriguing and mysterious dreams. What has varied over time, is the importance and understanding that people have about them. If dreams are seen as a series of images that appear meaningless to the dreamer's personality or whether they are seen as messages from beyond, this demonstrates just different interpretations, which reflect the status or value given to them.

Dreams are divided into six different groups:

Creative dreams: People who have dreams represent your creative dreams through painting or even through books.

Lucid Dreaming: The person is dreaming, you know you are dreaming and can control what is happening as if they were directing a movie. These people can meet others through your dreams and then when they wake, they discover that the person who had dreamed the same dream with the same people and the same things.

Nightmares: Dreaming about monsters, ghosts means you're scared of something in real life and that needs to be confronted. If you dream that you are stuck somewhere, it means you're stuck with a situation in real life.
repetitive dreams: If you dream the same thing more than once, it means that something is bothering you in real life.
Dreams predictable: are dreams in which the person is dreaming alleges that certain events will happen in the future.

sensual dreams: We all dream about sexuality, especially when we are going through during puberty. It's perfectly natural to dream with this kind of thing in any stage of our lives.

My friend has a dictionary of dreams, then I got the nicest to you guys:}

Trees: are symbols of life and may also mean family.
Fly: is a classic symbol. It may come as birds or airplanes, but they all say they want freedom.
Numbers: are quite significant. Each number has a different meaning.
Death: usually is not about someone dying. It can mean the end of one phase of your life or the end of something that is no longer useful to you.
Gardens: represent how you're feeling at the moment. If you dreamed of a garden, try to remember the details, and it seemed as if it had lots of flowers.
Crossing: mean that you have many different paths to choose and take in your life. Pay attention to the signs you see in your dream, it can help you make a decision.
Birth: It could literally mean the arrival of a baby but can also mean the beginning of a new life.
Buildings: Represent yourself. If you have dreams about corridors and rooms is because you are trying to understand yourself.
Mountains: Mean things you want most in your life. They can also it meant that obstacles must be overcome.
Food and drink: appear in dreams almost always, even when not hungry or without a seat. Means you need something extra in your life.
Maps: Can you show us what path we must take, and can also mean traveling ahead.
dream that makes love in public places or in different reflects some need or issue with his sexuality or his person. Through this dream, your subconscious may be diciendole should express themselves more openly.
Lottery: If you dream playing the lottery, it is possible that in real life can not take responsibility for their actions and their decisions.

waaaay if you want to know about any specific dream he had, here on this site is defined by character, hm. Http://


Friday, February 26, 2010

Normallupus Anticoagulant Values

Olaq loves, haha \u200b\u200btoday I'll talk about bands and good # fail D:
it is In this world today that there is more bandwidth # fail, just look @ the post of negro_boy on duplinhas pa and D: # totaltenso
let's start with a top 10 band and fails and that have already been fad one day D:
in last place djavu the banda de forró (? which shakes the most and pat pa O:

ninth, RBD, almost every girl already liked and wanted to be a rebel or roberta the economy of FATA novel finally the band broke up and caught our ninth place in the top 10:

eighth calyyyyyyyyyyyypso HUIAHSUIAHI , already had the
season to get everyone singing and imitating the moon betrayed me, but joelma and chimbinha djavu lost to the rank of coolest band D:-qn

in the seventh, kelly , everyone sang ja / And sing sing kelly in your life D: this is indeed mtmtmt
sixth , rouge, that girl who never wanted to buy the CD and sang and danced rasgatanga? O:

fifth , Broz The male version of rouge, where one of the singers came out and went to the table and that termite CHORUS: yeah yeah yeah this love is so deep (8 is in the head for centuries

fourth , KLB barely got on the podium in our TOP 10 FAIL, klb made little girls fall in love with their music mellow romantic

and third in the medal bronze Felipe Dylon, former surfer girl muse of the summer passion has now become one of the girls with dreadlocks and chubby ta teeenso D:

second, Floribella , the novel band (? little songs that had the legal never-

and with the medal Gold BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELO, he charmed the world with her hair and engaging way O:

mtmtmt people will be against top buuuuuuuut this is my opinion hm

tenth place goes to yes KE $ HA , she may have put tik tok on everyone's mind, and will put blah blah blah with 3oh3 to play on the radio all the time that neither tik tok, but unfortunately it came after lady gaga with his makeup and costume naughty, so the tenth place goes to her. 3oh3 tbm divides the place with her by fact be turning mtmtmtmt trend.

ninth, simple plan, I love them, but lately they have disappeared from TV, radios and everything D:

eighth, good charlotte because he participated in the childhood of everyone fact

in the seventh, blink, they and separated last year to worshipers of blink 182, and so they returned to do a tour that will pass by Brazil, but is not nothing for sure yet D:

sixth, Never Shout Never, unfortunately that will turn fad, but for being a good indie band mtmtmtmtmt takes sixth place in the top 10

fifth, Forever the Sickest Kids, fad that will turn pro but comes Brazil in May *----------*

fourth, diva lady gaga, that despite being mega popular song now come to Brazil in June and is a diva, no comments to her hm \u0026lt;3

third *--------* , all time low, despite the fact that now turn bandwagon because of the idiot eduardo Surita, whatever alex hm NEVER do it, # alexdontfollowsurita overall, our bronze medal goes to them: B

second, a red-haired diva *------ --* UIHAISUHAUIS commanded by paramore hailey diva willians , which will probably come to another show in our beautiful country and absolute D:
and first ...

tchanam O:

suspense D:

COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBRA STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARSHIP O: who knows me knows that I was going for them in first, but finally
have a thousand reasons for them to divos at first, but I will not give one of fanatica and do it, they're going to turn popular song and I assume that I want to see them come immediately to ca D: for the love of god D: but I think they come anyway hm
finally, is this love: B
just wanted to make a reflection: all the good bands are going to turn popular song, and ja were fail, and the next will have their moment of fame, and you'll sing the song O: total # tense bafon
then, the world will be dominated by folk songs and posers: B REFLECT
UIASHIUAHSUI bjbj loves @ beeshocks

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Which Is Better Sony G Lens Or Carl Zeiss Lens

come here often? : 9

oii loves beautiful and smiling: B plus a fifth uhul *--* CAAAAAAAAAAAARA SATURDAY I go there MAAASTER ANXIETY: The fifth okei qe will therefore come from a post outside binds trutinha level here, strain (: so let's focus on the subject today is q:

tc h an an an am ..

catadas rotten EEEEEE lack of creativity D: AAAAAAA (I am without creativity and time packing my suitcase and pa, deduct D:)

brother is the worst thing in the world to be walking on the street there's NOTHING you hear that shit then HASDUIHSADADS or a horn - 'I say take the c * (: UIHASDUHISD has MANY :

-cream you have in your belly? because you're a dream-his father is ice cream? because I wanted to give a lick-Do you like chocolate? So I'll give you my feeling and the nonstop-Hey girl, you have a map? because I got lost in the glow of your eyes. "Your father is a lawyer? Not because it? Because he did right-Ta waiting for the bus? Not because it? Why do you point-ta His parents are artezões? why not? because you're a work of art. "I had a coconut tree in the middle of the hill, coconut fell, roll or not roll? (Pras fat: Rola, then throws it and I'll push) .... -I bet you a kiss m and a stump. -Come on girl spends her finger, lick and says: Wow if it's hot here imagine the rest! Enough, in the person of two steps back and begins to sing: "I am two steps from heaven"-his father is a pirate? oh because you are a treasure-fall hi my name is ... fall in love with you "You is not butter but is a Yummy ... -What beautiful legs ... what time they open? Excuse me, the zipper of his pants open. - No it is not. - Ok, let's solve this problem. "Let's take a ride to three? I love you and. -All those curves and me with no brakes. -If you were a man I would turn gay! "You're a transvestite? -No ... -Prove it! "That outfit would look great in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor tomorrow morning. -Nice dress, can I talk you out of it? Do you like broccoli? -No ... -Nice, French Fries! "You've done a singing lesson? - No. - Then let us go there in the corner I give you a lesson. -Is it hot in here or is it just you? -Waiter clears the chips that the file already reached an astronaut pants do you use? why not? cuz your ass is out of this world

outs and has beautiful qe can give-*--*

Sorry, we do not know it from somewhere else? of course! and that's why I'm not going there anymore
-ta girl sucking a lollipop and the boy says: oh how I wanted to be that lollipop! the girl says, wanted to be a ball with a stick shoved in the tail?
-It: If beauty were a crime you'd get life in prison She: If ugliness was a crime you'd get the death penalty
-Him: Babe, you're beautiful too, just have a problem, your mouth is far from minha.Ela: question hygiene (haha, this is the most common ...)
-It: What's the fastest way to get to your heart? She: plastic surgery, some three years of working out, and a brainwashing
-He: I did not believe amamor at the first sight I saw changed my kuando idéia.Ela: What a coincidence, I do not believe in ghosts.
-He: I want to give myself completely to you! She: Sorry, no I usually accept alms.
-It: If I could see you naked I'd die felizEla: if I could see you naked I'd die laughing
-He: You are looking for good company, does it: I am, but with you around will be harder to find.
-him-the kitten together ta? She: I was until you arrive and scare everyone in the ena-
He Penalty: chicken, chicken soup, if you want to kiss me chuckling! She: cock's beak, wing hawk if you do not shut up mouth takes a slap-
He HM princess, you do not want to give me a kiss? She: to? you to become a prince? toad.

IUHASDUIHSAUHDAUHS tense this post, finally q is the fifth I'll be back with a different post ALL THERE (or not) until the fifth beeijo wish me bon voyage (yn) @ s2 oiany

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Free Hussyfan Archive Clips

Look at the mess not mulecagem

alovoses galere absolute , rs; feel in your muscles to sit and read this post strange hn DD:

because today's post will be about

zebra's stripes!
you know that zebras are really black and has white stripes, because the white part is the part where there is pigmentation? suuuper cool eh? *-*




and slang are not normal lol. I'll put some VEELHAS slang, and many people use them like I rs still only brimks rs. is vintage-n
I was really no what to do, then I'll post it myself) ':

Since naoseiqueano (I'm not researching this, it will fude) language was changing and were be creating slang, slang often change with the years, states, or social groups.

Old Slang (BEST, EVER)

the penny dropped - qu er say that it's time to buy a phone card RS-n , it means that you finally understand.
jammed - to getting to getting atoladinha atoladinha , mean you got into debt
middleman - that crossing the street-NNNN, brimks, simply means intermediate I'm more of my description, bjs
deadbeat - an example of what is Vinibrasil BRIIIIIIIIIMKS vini @ D: \u0026lt;3, who do not pay
send stick pro - c to Xinxó Hamo,: /, bounce a check
business in China - novel of globe-n, false business
three dollar bill - FAKE MONEY ASS LALALA, q falsehood
rombão - vs what is e-n robbery, assault
telegangue - gang Teletubbies EEA, q corruption in telecommunications
cool - a cane cool (ok, joke's guts and D:), legal
baton - *-* the coments, atoron this, legal +1
Borocoxô - DDDDD: sad
s kick - arm shack cause
Bulhufas - QQQQ, nothing, practically NOTHING
Chapa - Manolo , trout, Friend
danced! - ZIFUDEU: D struck out
Dondoca - Burguesinha Burguesinha Burguesinha burguesinhaaaaaa Madame
Go the wave - surf n go along
Bread - Masho beautiful
Onwards - now makes creeeel, Modern
groovy - really cool *-*
Broto - sung very useful to type "eai bud, OK related to plant in my garden? "By: belly CREDITS TO USE POE-mimimi QQQQQ, very pretty young (a)
Colegona - (@ beeshocks asked to put HUAHSU) n-fat fellow, companion
Tacky - you're tacky and I hate you (school of rock) face, unfashionable
Time of Oz - time that all these slang terms were used-qqqqqqs, something old, old

Slang from tchuntchá

Go-go to the dance party where they play funk
Cai inside - top top en, enter
Sai crazy - dorgi / / goes away
Delete - sleep
Give a cata - cling to someone some bitch
Like a sound - tchuntcháthunctchuntchuntchá affectionate nickname for FUNK
fell House - fucked):
angry - interesting
Trout, buddy - Friends manolos
Quebrada - where they find housing mano Favelinha: *
Mina - brother's girlfriend
Mano - manolo , Broder qq

Slang in English (these are old, but)

Is we in the tape! - Is we in the tape.

Tea with me That I book your face - with me that I book your face.

I am more I - I am more me.

Do you want a good-good? - You want a good-good? *

Not even eats That it does not have! - Nor is it no!

Ooh! I burned my movie! - Oh! I burned my movie!

I will wash the mare. "I'll wash the mare.

Go catch little coconuts! - Go take a hike!

If you run, the beast catches, if you stay, the beast eats! - If you run, the beast gets, if you stay the beast eats!

take out the little horse from the rain. - Take the horse from rain.

The cow went to the swamp. - The cow went to the swamp!

To give one of John the Armless - Give one of John-no-arm.

aaah so it is (: and got a little shit came to mind UHHUSUHAUHHUS post this, I hope you at least have laughed at the video) ': Kisses, babiiq @ \u0026lt;#

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Best Gay Cruise Spots In Charlotte


PS: PERSONAL BLOG, read the comments -.-! if you blog is not just ta give a Bluejay, you need not read;). kisses fondly black boy ( EEAA AND FACE OF SHELL uas h sa u ha su huhsa all pom *-*? I am the pretcholas ( or AVATAAAAAAR for me, (even to the nose swollen cm )! entãoo, today was really no idea paar posts -.- ai grew a flower in my head eeee I had the idea to post funny pictures: more then I thought, "André's friends will not like very much" so I had asuhas OTRA idea * 0 * , TADÃAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA , COMIC STRIPS uhsahsausauha, strips are maras cheer up a pony and they dominate everything today * - * to my orkut :) # Home lie mimimi then: for blind boys: 'Hey! hey dude, want to see a dead person? " 'Haha, yes I' BANG UHASUHSAUHSAUHASUH *----* like it or not. _. comment: kisses , @ negro_boy

Monday, February 22, 2010

96.5 Degree Body Temperature

COMIC STRIPS brushing his teeth like a true Spartan

Hi again we are seeing much love right? @ Vinibrasil in charge.
now, like brushing your teeth as umv erdadeiro spartan
1st step - Choose the toothpaste is key, make a legitimate Spartan War Cry: 2nd Step - Seize the ferocity with toothbrush [weapon of war], while holding firmly to toothpaste [other weapon of war]: Step 3 - Prepare the toothbrush to further attack!:
Step 4 - Time for reflection ... a toothbrush is armed!: Step 5 - THE ATTACK!: Step 6 - Winning the battle! (Drool is the dramatic effect):

7 ° step - Victory! After taking a bath is good, because not only washing your face does the job:

already know now: D @ Vinibrasil

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Philippe Galland Airbus Replacement

The day when the dream ended.

Hello shorty! (I felt a xuxa now). Here is the @ imnotadoll but the pin , THIS HAS OOOOOOK Tosca. Came another Sunday again and I do not know what to post. Àáâãäåæ congratulations to me! Well, as I do not know what to post, I'll post a text that I did, love is more sad, is more beautiful s2s2

The Day that the dream is over

That girl lover of dreams, life, feelings and the sun one day, felt a tightness in the heart. That was just a proof of love.
She understood the theory of Platonism, since he felt an impossible love, so he was getting stronger. And to her, the sunshine was like the eyes of his beloved: dazzling everyone around and charmed the days of his life.
So she
lived his dream. A dream for two. In it, there was laughter, secrets, joy, pain, finally, a shared life, as two bodies that make one soul, united by the most beautiful feeling.
On the day her heart sank, she recalled that he would never see his beloved. Thus, a sad tear rolled his eyes, ran his face empty of expression and died on his lips, making the girl feel the pain that henceforth he would live. The pain of love, the deepest pain that a person can feel. Tears, another form of love.
pain That took care of the girl, ran their guts, squeeze out your feelings, your heart hurt. She closed her eyes, hoping to find the eyes of his one great love of their meeting, when opened. His hope was another proof of love.

The greatest proof of love was that she never opened her eyes. All over for her. Science has never learned to explain the poor dreamer died, since there is no diagnosis, treatment or cure for the pain of love. That was the day that The dream is over.

The dream is over and my post also beijosssssss \u0026lt;3

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Impact Of Running With Bowed Legs

Eat With Your Eyes

Hello Today is Saturday, so who are in charge of this pussy I @ Vinibrasil .
this last week I was here in my pc as usual logical, i hit that hunger, like a good I am anorexic, not looked for food but WAFER dasadspads tenhon sure are not the only one, then I opened the closet to see if Cookie had and came across a Cracker flavor Brigadier greedy, I'm sure everyone knows, then I opened and began to eat, and noticed a thing .. embalagen the drawing in which shows the product is different from completameeeeente contents inside, ya think I'm crazy?
AND THAT'S WHAT YOU EAT: éééér a little different packing!? , Surely I would not be the one to have noticed how the picture eh absurtdo the package is a complete lie compared the content of the product itself, so I went searching and found only one blog on the subject and here's pictures for you eh realize how different the image of the product slightly different from the image? hm adsksdaiodoask
then optimal not to plagiarize the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a guy's blog about it, so I decided to put here but it has mta absurdity so here's the blog
post does not get boring, I plagiarized the idea of \u200b\u200b @ negro_boy and then I will post a collection of strange names doubles hinterland KODSAOKADSOKDASOKDASOKDKAS I do then this is the kind of post on top of the hour then I will not post a lot but this is ♥ '
aaaaaaaaaah ..
then people this week I made a video for my friends , I know it if you guys have in order to take a look and comment whether good or ruin wanted to see coments, well who wants to check ta ai
aa one more thing, my dear cousin @ babiiq know how much I studied and struggled to pass the year, to go to the Manhan with my girlfriend, but her problem of falling just unnecessary to linger fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
so I know I called for what?! PRA Macumba manolo, but voodoo is a Nerd, MACUMBAONLINE.COM is more then what I want you and my girlfriend back, then who can help me to have my love beside me in my schedule = ') I wanted you to click on this link here and that a strengthened it, seizes create an account and make your akela person you hate i take the shower (: but thanks mto anyone who can help>
until next Saturday
@ Vinibrasil