Friday, February 26, 2010

Normallupus Anticoagulant Values

Olaq loves, haha \u200b\u200btoday I'll talk about bands and good # fail D:
it is In this world today that there is more bandwidth # fail, just look @ the post of negro_boy on duplinhas pa and D: # totaltenso
let's start with a top 10 band and fails and that have already been fad one day D:
in last place djavu the banda de forró (? which shakes the most and pat pa O:

ninth, RBD, almost every girl already liked and wanted to be a rebel or roberta the economy of FATA novel finally the band broke up and caught our ninth place in the top 10:

eighth calyyyyyyyyyyyypso HUIAHSUIAHI , already had the
season to get everyone singing and imitating the moon betrayed me, but joelma and chimbinha djavu lost to the rank of coolest band D:-qn

in the seventh, kelly , everyone sang ja / And sing sing kelly in your life D: this is indeed mtmtmt
sixth , rouge, that girl who never wanted to buy the CD and sang and danced rasgatanga? O:

fifth , Broz The male version of rouge, where one of the singers came out and went to the table and that termite CHORUS: yeah yeah yeah this love is so deep (8 is in the head for centuries

fourth , KLB barely got on the podium in our TOP 10 FAIL, klb made little girls fall in love with their music mellow romantic

and third in the medal bronze Felipe Dylon, former surfer girl muse of the summer passion has now become one of the girls with dreadlocks and chubby ta teeenso D:

second, Floribella , the novel band (? little songs that had the legal never-

and with the medal Gold BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELO, he charmed the world with her hair and engaging way O:

mtmtmt people will be against top buuuuuuuut this is my opinion hm

tenth place goes to yes KE $ HA , she may have put tik tok on everyone's mind, and will put blah blah blah with 3oh3 to play on the radio all the time that neither tik tok, but unfortunately it came after lady gaga with his makeup and costume naughty, so the tenth place goes to her. 3oh3 tbm divides the place with her by fact be turning mtmtmtmt trend.

ninth, simple plan, I love them, but lately they have disappeared from TV, radios and everything D:

eighth, good charlotte because he participated in the childhood of everyone fact

in the seventh, blink, they and separated last year to worshipers of blink 182, and so they returned to do a tour that will pass by Brazil, but is not nothing for sure yet D:

sixth, Never Shout Never, unfortunately that will turn fad, but for being a good indie band mtmtmtmtmt takes sixth place in the top 10

fifth, Forever the Sickest Kids, fad that will turn pro but comes Brazil in May *----------*

fourth, diva lady gaga, that despite being mega popular song now come to Brazil in June and is a diva, no comments to her hm \u0026lt;3

third *--------* , all time low, despite the fact that now turn bandwagon because of the idiot eduardo Surita, whatever alex hm NEVER do it, # alexdontfollowsurita overall, our bronze medal goes to them: B

second, a red-haired diva *------ --* UIHAISUHAUIS commanded by paramore hailey diva willians , which will probably come to another show in our beautiful country and absolute D:
and first ...

tchanam O:

suspense D:

COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBRA STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARSHIP O: who knows me knows that I was going for them in first, but finally
have a thousand reasons for them to divos at first, but I will not give one of fanatica and do it, they're going to turn popular song and I assume that I want to see them come immediately to ca D: for the love of god D: but I think they come anyway hm
finally, is this love: B
just wanted to make a reflection: all the good bands are going to turn popular song, and ja were fail, and the next will have their moment of fame, and you'll sing the song O: total # tense bafon
then, the world will be dominated by folk songs and posers: B REFLECT
UIASHIUAHSUI bjbj loves @ beeshocks


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